Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Emma, Julie, and Julia

I'm sick. I have strep throat, and up until about half an hour ago, I have had a crippling headache that has prevented me from doing anything worthwhile, like homework.  Or, more importantly, cooking (just kidding... maybe.)  So, since I couldn't do anything important, what have I been doing for the last few days?   I've been watching British movies (Howard's End, Bridget Jone's Diary, Love Actually....) But, I took an anglophile break, and watched JULIE AND JULIA. 
I LOVE THAT MOVIE! Meryl Streep and Amy Adams are both adorable in it, and the food... delicious- one day I will bone a duck or make beef bourguignon. It's funny- Julia Child created recipes, Julie Powell spent a year bravely attempting to "Master the Art of French Cooking," and here I am, sixteen years old, armed with a laptop computer and a spotted apron, trying to teach myself how to be like these women. I like to cook, I like to eat, I like to write. Maybe one day I'll write a cookbook, like Julia, or a book about cooking, like Julie. Maybe I'll call it, "Emma, Julie, and Julia."
Darn, why couldn't my name have started with a J?

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