Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bahrain: Chicken Machboos

The Dish: Chicken and rice, with peppers, onions, and tomatoes.  See the original recipe here.
The Country: As you know, protests have erupted in countries throughout the Middle East, including Bahrain.  Protesters have flooded Pearl Square in Manama, and the army has withdrawn.
yummy... yellow food.

As much chicken as you would like
3 onions
3 medium sized tomatoes
1 red pepper
1 435g bag of basmati rice
vegetable oil
lemon juice
transferring my chicken

Heat 4.5 cups of water on the stove.
Chop the onions, sauteé them in a cup of vegetable oil. When they are slightly golden, add in chopped red pepper.  After two minutes, add in chopped chicken.  Add in 1 tsp cumin and 2 tsp tumeric.  Chop the tomatoes and add them in.  Add 2 tsp salt. Stir until the chicken is all the way cooked.
Add in 1/2 tsp coriander and the hot water. Cover the pan and let it sit for twenty minutes.
Take everything out of the pan, leaving behind all of the liquid.  Put it all on a baking sheet and put in the oven at 350° for twenty minutes.  While this is happening, put the rice in the leftover liquid.  Cook until it absorbs all of it. Add more water and keep cooking if the rice is still hard. Sprinkle a little bit of lemon juice over the rice.
Serve the rice and chicken together.
THE FINAL PRODUCT, with some bread.

Notes: The bright yellow color sort of scared me at first, but it ended up tasting pretty good. The chicken itself was somewhat bland, but the tomatoes were delicious.  I know I didn't have all of the ingredients that the original recipe called for, so it may have tasted better if I had all the right stuff.
Rating: 3

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