Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bahamas: Banana Pudding

The Dish: Hot bananas. It's absolutely delicious! See original recipe here.
The Country: The Bahamas are made up of  29 islands, and the country's national flower is the yellow elder.

mashing up the bananas
Six bananas
1 tbsp butter
2 tbsp flour
3.5 tbsp brown sugar
1/4 cup milk
this looks like baby food
Preheat the oven to 300°
Mash the butter and brown sugar together with a fork.
Mash up the bananas with a potato masher (or a fork, but that is much slower).
Add it all together, mix it with a fork.  Add in the flour and milk.  Mix again.  Make sure  it is still slightly lumpy.
Bake for twenty minutes.
Notes: If you don't like bananas, you would absolutely hate this recipe, but luckily, everyone in my family likes bananas.  I'm at my grandparents house, so this was the first time anyone other than my siblings and parents has tried my food, and they liked it!
Rating: 4.9

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