Thursday, February 3, 2011

Austria: Buttergebäck mit Himbeer

The Dish: Raspberry filled goodness.
The Country:  Austria is where The Sound of Music takes place.  It has a population of about 8.3 million people.
the dough

4 sticks of butter
4 eggs
2 cups of granulated sugar
4 cups of all purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
A jar of raspberry jam
one layer of dough + RASPBERRY JAM

Use an electric mixer to cream the butter.  When it is soft, and in tiny chunks, add the eggs.  Mix.
Add the sugar, flour, and baking powder.  Mix some more.
Put the mixture on a piece of wax paper.  Cover your hands in flour and roll the dough into two balls. 
Wrap the balls in plastic wrap and put them in the fridge for 2 hours.
After two hours, take one ball and put it in a food processor to get a creamy mixture.  Spread it on the bottom of a pan.
Put a few spoonfuls of raspberry jam into a plastic bag- cut the corner, and pipe it on top of the dough.  Spread it evenly.
Take the second dough ball and break it into tiny chunks.  Drop the chunks evenly across the jam.
Bake at 350° for 50 minutes.
THE FINAL PRODUCT (the brown stuff on the edge of the pan is dough that I accidentally mushed to the side.... oops)

Notes: This is what I spent my second snow day cooking- there's so much snow in Chicago that my school, which hasn't had a snow day since '99, had to have two in a row!!!
Rating: 5- delicious! I will definitely make this again!

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