Sunday, January 30, 2011

Antigua and Barbuda: Ducana

The Dish:  Sweet potato balls.  See original recipe here.
The Country: Antigua and Barbuda is a country made up of two islands in the Caribbean.  Their foods are similar to foods in the rest of the Caribbean, especially Jamaica.
the mixture

3 small sweet potatoes
1 1/2 cups of flour
1/2 cup sugar
One small box of raisins (though I only ended up using half a box because I ate the rest....)
A pinch of All Spice
arch of tinfoil balls... see, I play with my food

Peel the potatoes.  Grate them, or put them in a food processor.
Put the grated/ processed potatoes in a bowl.  Add the sugar, flour, all spice, and raisins.
Put a pot of water and the stove and boil it.
Wrap handfuls of the mixture into tinfoil.  Wrap them completely.
Put them into the boiling water.
Leave for 30- 45 minutes.

Notes:  The raisins made the whole thing taste a bit funny, so if for some reason I ever make ducana again, I will be skipping the raisin part.  They weren't bad, though they weren't great either.  However, my sister, who HATES sweet potatoes, thought it was pretty good.
Rating: 2

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