Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Angola: Salad with Beets, Cauliflower, and Potatoes

The Dish: Veggies, veggies, veggies, and more veggies. See the original recipe here.
The country: Angola was a Portuguese colony until 1975, so many of their foods have a Portuguese influence.  This dish wasn't Portuguese- it was very West African.
Angola has thirty-one airports with paved runways.
steaming the veggies

2 cups of yukon gold potatoes
2 sweet potatoes
1 cauliflower
3 carrots
1 can of sliced beets
10 leaves of green lettuce
7 leaves of red cabbage
carrot shavings

Peel the potatoes, sweet potatoes, and cauliflower.  Chop them into small pieces (think "finger food").
Steam the potatoes, sweet potatoes, and cauliflower until they are tender.
Peel the carrots.  Use the peeler to peel the carrots into thin slivers.
Break the lettuce into small pieces.
Put it all in a bowl.
Add the canned beets (don't add much juice!!!)
Put in the fridge to cool.

Notes: So, I had thought I wouldn't make the dressing that went with the recipe, but after I tasted it I realized that was probably not the smartest idea. It really is just plain veggies, and that isn't exactly a flavor blast.  The dish is still cooling in my fridge, but tomorrow my family is going to eat this along with their dinner, and I'm going to have to make a dressing (and 30 Rock is on tomorrow too- ahhh, the time crunch).

Rating (out of five): 2

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