Saturday, January 22, 2011

Albania: Fergesë e Tiranës me speca

The Dish: Tirana Furghes with peppers, which is basically sauteed peppers and tomatoes with feta cheese.  I found the recipe here (but I changed it a little bit....).
The Country: Albania is located next to Macedonia, Montenegro, and Greece.  Albania has five airports and their food is influenced by Greece, Turkey, and Italy. I can definitely see the Greek influence in the dish I made tonight.

1 Green pepper
1 Red pepper
3 large tomatoes
12 oz of Feta Cheese
1 stick of butter
A pinch of salt
A pinch of black pepper
A pinch of red pepper spice
the oranges in the background have nothing to do with the recipe. they were just there.
Sautée the peppers and tomatoes in a saucepan full of olive oil for five minutes.
Let cool for five minutes.
Preheat oven to 350°.
Dice them.
Melt the butter.
Mix the peppers, tomatoes, butter, salt, black pepper, and red pepper spice, and feta cheese in a bowl.
Bake in the oven for 15 minutes.
Let it cool.
mixing up the ingredients

Notes: Pretty tasty.... It's not a full dinner, it's more of a side salad, but I think I did pretty well for my first foreign dish.  Well, I'll admit to having help from my mom (thanks mom!- she helped with the dicing... I have yet to acquire knife skills). I would advise eating it with a simple main course because it's very flavorful.

Rating (out of five): 3.5- it was good, but it wasn't a "WOW MY TASTE BUDS ARE GOING TO HEAVEN" type of food.

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