Monday, March 28, 2011


Yesterday, I baked my mom a birthday cake, though her birthday isn't until tomorrow.  I'd been reading through the blogs and websites I check every day, and found a recipe for an amazing looking cake, so I decided to try it.  Why not?
It was a messy experience, and the frosting didn't quite work out, but it tasted and smelled delicious. I don't think I've ever made a dessert so delicious- so, of course we had to eat it at 3:00 in the afternoon instead of at night on my mom's actual birthday.

I don't have cake pans... so pie tins were my only option...

my great grandmother's mixer has a tendency to get completely filled with whatever I'm mixing

cake + frosting layer +cake = one giant oreo?
the shape was a little off, but this was AMAZING cake

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