Monday, March 21, 2011

Bangladesh: Begun Bhaja

The Dish: Fried eggplant. See original recipe here.
The Country: The People's Republic of Bangladesh is right next to India, so the majority of their foods are similar.
chopped eggplant

1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 large eggplant
Salt to taste
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
frying eggplant

Wash the eggplant, then cut it into thin slices.
Heat a frying pan and add the oil.  Place the eggplant slices in the oil.
Add turmeric powder and salt.
Fry for about seven minutes, or until the pieces are light brown.

Notes: It was slightly gooey, and the texture was like I was eating a slug, but the flavor was fine. I added a bit too much salt, so I would advise going light on the salt, and maybe heavier on the turmeric powder.
Sorry I haven't cooked in a while, I was in my school's production of Grease and the rehearsals were quite late.
Rating: 2.25

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