Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ecuador: goat cheese and raspberry empanadas

The Dish: Yummy stuff
The Country: Up until a few months ago, the Galapagos Islands were home to Lonesome George, the 100 year old Pinta Island tortoise.  He was the only one left of his subspecies.


11 oz goat cheese
several raspberries
basic dough for empanada shells
1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract

maybe I should have cropped out my cutting board... oh well.

Preheat oven to 325°
Mix the goat cheese, sugar, and vanilla.
Cut dough into palm size circles.
Place a scoop of the cheese mix on each circle.  Add two or three raspberries to each.
Close the pastry.
Bake for 12 minutes.

I sort of squashed the back three when I tried to flip them over... the bottom left ones look OK though.

Notes:  They were good, but my dough was a little dry.   Don't eat them hot, but don't eat them cold either.  When they are cold, the texture gets weird. I didn't shape them like empanadas... I wasn't totally sure how...
 Rating: 3.5 for taste, 2 for appearance

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