Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Croatia: Walnut Cake

The Dish: Umm... I really messed with a recipe for walnut cake. What I made does not resemble cake. At all.

The Country: Croatia! I've been there!

4 eggs
3/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
a whole handful of crushed walnuts

Preheat oven to 350°
Combine all of the ingredients. Mix until smooth.
Bake in small pan for 25 minutes

Notes: This wasn't very good. Maybe I should have actually followed the real recipe... hmmm.
Rating: 1

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Costa Rica: Pan de Maiz

The Dish: Corn bread

The Country: Costa Rica is considered the "greenest" country in the world.
it seemed a bit too liquid-y at first, but it turned out just fine

1/2 cup softened butter
1 can evaporated milk
3/4 cups all purpose flour
1 cup corn flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup raisins
1/4 tsp garlic

Preheat oven to 350°
Mix all ingredients until fully combined
Bake for 30 minutes in a bread pan

Notes: Corn bread-not super exciting. It's rainy and humid today and all I want is a good chocolate chip cookie, not corn bread.  I guess I know what I'm making later...
Rating: 2

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Comoros: Chicken

The Dish: Coconut-y chicken
The Country: Comoros is a small island nation off the eastern coast of Africa

can of coconut milk

1kg chicken breast- chopped
3 tablespoons butter
t teaspoon garlic cloves
2 tsp curry powder
3/4  can coconut milk
5 spring onions, chopped
1 bunch parsley, chopped
it looks like a lot of veggies, but I'd suggest adding even more to help overpower the coconut

Fry the chicken in the butter until it is golden brown
 Add all of the other ingredients and simmer on medium heat for about ten minutes
Turn to low heat for five
Serve warm

I've never experienced sweet chicken before, but I liked it.  The coconut taste was VERY strong, so I'd suggest dialing back the coconut milk if you aren't a coconut fan.
Rating: 2.25