Monday, October 24, 2011

Brazil: Brigadeiros

The Dish: Fudge-y chocolate candy things
The Country: Oh, hi Amazon Rain Forest.

cooking condensed milk...

1 can of condensed milk
4 tbsp cocoa powder
1 tsp butter
Chocolate sprinkles (also known as chocolate rice)
goopy goopy goop

Cook the cocoa powder, condensed milk, and butter in a small pan until it gets really really really thick.
Set in a glass pan and let cool. (Put it in the fridge if you're impatient like I am).
Put the sprinkles on a plate.
Scoop out little balls of the chocolate goop and cover them in sprinkles.  Place the sprinkled goop balls into little cupcake wrappers.
messy fudge stuff

Notes: I didn't let it cool long enough, so it was a little too liquid-y to mold into balls.  I ended up with some very strangely textured fudge stuff.
Rating: 3, maybe if I'd done it right it would have been higher....

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