Monday, October 24, 2011

Brazil: Brigadeiros

The Dish: Fudge-y chocolate candy things
The Country: Oh, hi Amazon Rain Forest.

cooking condensed milk...

1 can of condensed milk
4 tbsp cocoa powder
1 tsp butter
Chocolate sprinkles (also known as chocolate rice)
goopy goopy goop

Cook the cocoa powder, condensed milk, and butter in a small pan until it gets really really really thick.
Set in a glass pan and let cool. (Put it in the fridge if you're impatient like I am).
Put the sprinkles on a plate.
Scoop out little balls of the chocolate goop and cover them in sprinkles.  Place the sprinkled goop balls into little cupcake wrappers.
messy fudge stuff

Notes: I didn't let it cool long enough, so it was a little too liquid-y to mold into balls.  I ended up with some very strangely textured fudge stuff.
Rating: 3, maybe if I'd done it right it would have been higher....

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Botswana: Mielieroomsop

The Dish: Corn soup
The Country: 71% of Botswana's land is used for public grazing, which has lead to extreme desertification (land drying up).
onions and stuff

1 medium sized onion
1 tbsp butter
15 ml corn flour
400 ml warm milk
450 ml chicken broth
1 can of cream style sweet-corn
celery salt

hmmmm.. flavored salt?
Chop the onion. Fry it with the butter until slightly brown.
Put the onion and the corn flour into a large pot.  Stir over medium heat for one minute.
Microwave milk for 30 seconds.  Add to pot.  Stir until well mixed.
Add all other ingredients.  (Celery salt and pepper to taste)
Stir over high heat until boiling.
It's a lot yummier and heartwarming than it looks...

It was actually so much better than I thought it would be.  I was expecting it to be gross and mushy, but it really was a good soup for a fall afternoon. The only thing I didn't like was the massive amount of onions.  They added to the flavor, but the soup looked a little bit like a pot of worms.

Rating: 7

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Plum Dessert

The Dish: Plums and stuff?
The Country: According to Wikipedia, Bosnians are the heaviest coffee drinkers in the world.
plum murder

4 plums
Bread Crumbs
Whipping Cream
i know it's flipped... but yeah, I used bread crumbs in a can

Cut the plums into fourths, take out the pits
Bake for 5-7 minutes, or until the start to release juice
Take out of oven and sprinkle with bread crumbs, sugar, and whipping cream (i just sprinkled a little bit on).  Stir it around so the soft sides of the plums are coated in crumbs. 
Bake for 20 minutes

You should definitely eat this with vanilla ice cream, otherwise you'll just be thinking, "Oh... plums covered in bread..."

Rating: 4